J.R. Charlot

A narrative writer twirling in non-fiction

Written by JR Charlot


I joined the world of writers and let me tell you it was a shock to my system. I attended my first ever London Book fair in 2022. Upon entering, I immediately felt the history which I was excited about, however the structure of the industry was not as warm and welcoming as I had expected.


It definitely has its hierarchy like any other business and it’s not so open or encouraging to newbies as I thought; it was very cliquey, it’s who knows who regardless of ethnic background. Taken aback by the lack of diversity.

At the event, it had an area for literary agents and they were by appointment only; trying to engage with other writers and stall holders was challenging as well. I attended all three days but felt very deflated and drained after which left me considering if I wanted to be part of this industry.


Fast forward to London book fair 2023, this time I came prepared. I knew who and what stands to focus on, attended talks, some speakers were more engaging than others. I connected more with other writers and tried to speak to some literary agents. Got a senior editor detail, booked a meeting with an independent publisher and made better contacts than last year. After this book fair, I was certain that writing was going to be my career.


Jump now to 2024. I didn’t attend the book fair this year because I knew my genre, discovered my writing style and what I was offering. So, I took the plunge and sent my work out to a few literary agents; awaiting their replies.


I have decided to go traditionally published to reach a wider market and build my repetition as a writer. After a few years of research and speaking to experienced writers, this is the best option for me now.


I will keep updating my blog on how my journey is going, entering the world of being traditionally published.

Very Important

Be prepared for some tough days. I call them “Push through days”, trust me, you will have them. Have support around you. It could be friends, family, a writer’s club, etc because there will come times where you will have to push through and having that support is priceless.


Look at me. I’ve been writing since 2019 and it’s only last year (2023) I sent my work off to literary agents. This year I have created a website and social media presence fully embracing my writing style and niche.


Lastly, enjoy the process as much as possible and remember why you love writing because it will be a rollercoaster of highs and lows.


All the best to my fellow writers.